50 count
Alcea rosea
A magickal flower indeed!
They have many stories tying them to the Fae.
Hollyhocks are known for bringing fertility, prosperity, and abundance to the home they are planned near. The gorgous stalks represent beauty and wealth. They also provide protection from evil.
Both edible and medicinal- this plant is in the marshmallow family... and clearly a staple for any cottage garden.
* Cooling & moisterizing properties
Use as:
- Tea: soothe the mucous membranes of the GI tract, Genitourary tract, and respiratory tract.
- Mouth wash: prevents sores & gum inflammation.
- Gargle: Dry cough, scratchy throat, hoarsness, tonsillitis.. gentle engough to be used daily.
- Wash or Poltice: skin inflammation, swollen areas, dry / hot areas.
- Food: eat the whole plant or just use the flowers as edible decoration!
- Coloring: black and red can be used as dyes or coloring agents in bath salts & teas.
• Direct sow: well draining soil
• Germination: scar & soak seeds for best results- 5-21 days
• Height: 5- 9 ft.
• Plant: 2 ft apart (where they will be protected from strong winds)
• Bloom: Summer- Autumn
• Light: Full sun- partial shade
• Attract: pollinators
• Biennial: This plant forms a bushy basal rosette of leaves the first year, and then flowers the following year.
• Hardiness zone: 2b, 2a, 3b, 3a, 4b, 4a, 5a, 5b, 6b, 6a, 7b, 7a, 8b, 8a, 9a, 9b, 10b, 10a
⚠️ professional self seeders