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Pumpkin harvests, apple pie, and crunchy leaves.. it's Mabon.


Enoy chilly nights sitting by the bonfire while sipping on this sweet, apple-cinnamon tea. A warm seasonal blend to bring you comfort as we transition to darker days, and longer nights.


✨️ ADD cinnamon sticks for more spice!


Flavor profile:

Sweet apple, cinnamon, clove



Steep 1/2 Tbsp - 1 Tbsp in 8 oz hot 💧

8 mins.


*this is a loose leaf tea, tea bags are not provided*

5-10 servings per half oz.

Mabon Tea blend

PriceFrom $5.25
  • Dried apples, chamomile*, honeybush tea*, sweet cinnamon chips*, cloves*



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